Scrapable and Pretty Scrappy have teamed up to bring you a GREAT Blog Train!
It is called Loads of Learning, and you will find all kinds of fabulous freebies from the participating designers.
Get all of the participating designer details here:
http://loadsoflearning.blogspot.com/Here is a preview of my freebie:

I teamed up with Just Passin' Thru (Nikki Chamberlain) of Pretty Scrappy for this Blog Train.
You can find her freebie on her blog here:
http://justpassinthru.wordpress.com/We created a kit from the same color palette as our blog train freebies. I am sure you will love it! It's a perfect vintage kit with soft colors and beautiful papers and elements.

You can find this kit here:
http://www.scrapable.net/shop/product.php?productid=3671&cat=38There is also a set of matching quick pages!
The Loads of Learning Blog Train Freebie has been retired.Be sure to visit Just Passin' Thru's (Nikki Chamberlain's) blog to get her freebie gift!
Enjoy your day!
Marcee (RoseMadeDesigns)