The zips will be added to your downloads automatically. No codes or coupons are required.
If you buy my Life 101 Kit, you will get the Life 101 Basic Backs paper pack FREE!This set contains 14 additional matching papers not included in the kit.

If you purchase the Life 101 Alpha Pack, you will receive the Life 101 Mini QP Album FREE!

Here are some layouts I made with the Life 101 Collection:

Kit: Life 101 Kit, Life 101 Basic Backs and Life 101 Alpha Pack by RoseMadeDesigns
Fonts: Candara DJB and Elke

Kit: Life 101 by RoseMadeDesigns
Fonts: Arial Black (for title cut out with orange paper) and Hockey is Life
Both of these offers expire on May 5, so grab them while you can!
All of my Deco-Pages products can be found here:
I have several new items in addition to the Life 101 Collection, including 3 Club Deco kits!
Enjoy the day!
Marcee (RoseMadeDesigns)