But here is your Friday treat (on Saturday!). This is part 4 of Babette.
You'll get 3 papers, 2 bows, and some more buttons.

Please leave some love - vote in my polls over on the right there! Please remember to link to my blog HOME page only when sharing and do not redistribute the files or download link in any way. Thanks!
Thanks for your interest, but this freebie has been moved to the store.
If you missed Part 1 of Babette it is now listed in the Links section of my Yahoo group:
CLICK HERE to join
Parts 1-4 of Babette will be up at least until my vacation is over...maybe a day or two after that, so if you know of anyone who might like, send them here. Links for Parts 2 and 3 are in previous posts.
For my Yahoo group members, I have Part 4 of Betsy this week. This contains 2 bows, 2 satin ribbons and 2 papers. The link is listed in the link section of my Yahoo group (see join link above) - and I still have listed the links for Parts 1, 2 and 3 also.
We are heading back to Germany next week, so I'll probably leave these links up until I can catch up with laundry and unpacking...but then...look out!
This freebie has been moved to the store.
Also, I am doing a Blog Reader's kit, so please vote in the polls I post. I will also have some colors for you to look at soon (depending on what kind of kit I'll be making).
Have a great weekend!