Hi! It's been a few days. It's really late for me...who was awakened at 3 AM by the rosebud pictured above...so I won't be typing much. I made this layout tonight for a crop I attended. The template is by Victoria Feemster and the kit is Mod Club by Saskia Bokkers (one of my top three fave designers!). Anyway, back to the rosebud. I have the most wonderful hubby. He got up and fed her and played with her until she was ready to go back to sleep...and he's playing with her now. Yes, the little one had a long nap early this evening to make up for her 3 AM romp, and so now...yes, you guessed it...she is up and ready to roll at 10 o'clock! It's my bedtime, though! I usually get up by 5 AM each morning, so I'm curled up in bed drowsing to a DVD by 10:30 most nights. I've been catching up on Frasier, but I have a few pet peeves about those DVD sets - at least the ones I'm watching now.
#1) No Subtitles! We live very close to a bahnhof (train station), so we get frequent loud rumblings passing by the house. This is horrible for TV watching. But, at least with subtitles you can read what the people are saying. I know most US TVs come with closed captioning, but our TVs here dont' have that. So, no subtitles means I have to press pause or rewind to get the whole story. I really hate that.
#2) No Play All feature! Okay, so I am lazy. Okay, so I usually watch TV right before I fall asleep. Okay, so I want my TV to keep broadcasting well past the time I actually fall asleep. If the DVD plays only one episode at a time, this kinda gets messed up! Even when I am watching TV on the weekend, I hate having to scroll through two or three menu screens for each episode - Star Trek DVDs are famous for this!
I have other DVD pet peeves, but I shall save them for another time. It's time for sleepy bo-bos (an obscure
Black Adder reference - cheers to Rowan Atkinson!). I'll try to post again soon, and maybe I'll have a freebie for you soon.
The More Just Deserts freebie and the Victoria II Alpha freebie won't be up much longer so get them soon!
Just Ramblin'